شبكة نقاط الاسلامية


The invalidators of wudu are matters which break wudu. When one’s wudu is invalidated, one must make wudu again to pray. The invalidators are:

· Materials exiting from the eliminatory outlets, such as urine, feces, gas, or stomach worms.

· Touching the anus, vagina, or penis with one’s bare palm.

· Touching the skin of the marriageable woman without a barrier.

· Losing one’s mind by craziness, fainting, or intoxication.

· Sleeping without having one’s buttocks firmly seated. If one slept without a gap between one’s buttocks and the floor, then one’s wudu would not be invalid.

The person who loses his wudu is prohibited to perform the obligatory and recommended prayers and tawafTawaf, i.e., circumambulating the Ka^bah, has the same status as praying, except that talking is allowed throughout.

It is also unlawful for the person who lost his wudu to carry the Qur’an and to touch it, i.e., or the paper connected to it or its cover, except if necessary.

It is permissible for the one who lost his wudu to recite the Qur’an, and to enter and stay in the masjid.


1. What must one do before praying if one’s wudu becomes invalid?

2. List the invalidators of wudu.

3. What is the meaning of the eliminatory outlets?

4. What does one become prohibited from doing if one loses one’s wudu‘ ?

5. Give an example of what one can do without having wudu‘.